Posted by: gbradley | November 15, 2007

Current Gallery Work

The paintings in the Gallery are representative of work that I have been developing for the past three years or so. The imagery in its final state can be described as figurative, abstract and, less frequently, landscape.

In all of these works the images are allowed to develop as part of the picture-making process, no pre-production is attempted.

These are generally small works but I do see potential for developing the format onto a larger scale.

Posted by: gbradley | November 11, 2007

Hello world!

In an attempt to communicate with a much greater audience than I traditionally do, I have been encouraged to establish a ‘Blog Site’, so here we are. The artform of blog I shall embrace. The intention is to open a two-way channel of communication; paintings, artist and viewer-I know that makes three, but in time I’ll get the hang of it.
There you have it, my first blog is now complete and I haven’t said anything that’s even remotely interesting or vaguely creative.
